Sunday, October 9, 2011


YEAH!!! 32 days to go and Jeff, my fiance is here! Feeling so great thinking about his coming. Jeff feeling the same. Have not seen each other for 5 months now. Eventhough, we chat and see each other in cam everyday but it is different meeting again in person. So much stories to share when he is here.

I have applied 7 days annual leave and hopefully will have enough time to show him around. Will definitely bring him to visit Wildlife Park, Klias River Cruise - to search for the Proboscis Monkeys and Fireflies, Kinabalu Park and other places. Also, going for food tasting - esp the hawkers food stall, seafood restaurant, steamboat and hopefully some local food too. I want him to taste all that.

Well, I hope there will be wedding invitation during his stay here, so that I can bring him along. I want him to see how the wedding here especially the many invited guests where sometimes it will come up to hundreds invited guests. The music, the dance, the traditional dances and etc etc...I think he will love it here.

Of course, most of all Jeff is just happy and also anxious to meet my family members, cousins and friends of mine, cos they are gonna be his new family members too.

Yes! Yes...will update you guys when Jeff here next month.


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