Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This is a story of my friend Shirley. I have known her for  long t ime now. She is my former colleague at Sabah Holidays. She is very friendly, helpful and caring person. Well, we have  friends/former colleagues that are still in contact and once in a while we meet for dinner esp for Bak Kut Teh. And we  name our group as Kakangsssssss! Why Kakangssssssss? Cos we eat alot and we like to eat Bak Kut Teh hahahha. Not all friends, just special friends.

Alright, back to my story about Shirley. I still remember long ago, I told her once, " Shirley, I see you ngam to partner with orang putih oh. You know why I say that, cos I can see that, she is friendly, can social and ya, mcm ngam la partner with org putih.  But she say, where do I find one? And where got org putih want me?  Anyway, I am not really interested in them. I like Chinese guy, she says.. Yes, that time she have Chinese bf. Maybe fate not with them, so they broke off. She changed job to hotel line. And there she meet with her new man, a French guy.  One day, she introduced to me during Sabah Fest 2009. He is quite good looking guy. I whispered to her, bah, what else, catch him la. Mcm he ngam with you and I can see he interested with you too, I told her. . She replied, " nah, just friend.

Then, from colleague to just friend, later become intimate boyfriend. I think after 2 years being together, they decided to get married.  Again this time, I told her, bah cepat-cepat la buat anak? She replied,  No! I don;t like children. But your baby will be caucasian mixture of Chinese and French, you know. Again she replied, no I am not interested to have children. I have nieces and nephews already. Noisy bah got children. I cannot stand with kids, that what she told me and same to other friends.

But God is great, God wanted her to have children I think. Bingo! she got pregnant. When she told  us that she is pregnant, We were so excited! And again, we teased her, nah, you say you dont want baby? now what? Well, she is happy to experienced the pregnancy,  and same with us. we all happy for her.

Today, 29th October 2011 is her baby Eva Mei Ling celebrating her fullmoon. She is so cute and I bet she is going to grow up as  beautiful as her mother but a little prettier than her mom :=), I think, cos she is a mixture of Chinese and French huhu..

Karel, her husband is a good man and a good friend to us too. He works with Tong Hing as Chef.

Now, we have new additional member for the kakangssssssssss - Eva! hehehehe

Shirley & Karel & their baby girl
The Kakangssss - Emily/ Shirley/ Liza
The Kakangsss - Fred / Eddysom ( but eddy don't join our dinner - Bak Kut Teh) hehehe
New kakangsss member - Eva Mei Ling
Isn;'t she cute eventhough she is sleeping.
The Sleeping beauty hehehe

Moral of the story - Never say Never,  or I don;t Want, cos it will come back to you or happen to you.

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