Wednesday, July 27, 2011

STA Cocktail Get-Together

Last Monday evening, once again the STA organized another Cocktail Get-Together with all the members. This time the venue was at English Tea House and Restaurant, Jesselton Point, K.K. Not many turned up but enough to have some fun and meeting new friends.

I am not sure what is the get-together about, since there is no speech or welcome speech, may I say. As far as I am concerned, I was invited, I attended and have good time eating

whatever food placed on our table and the fruit punch was nice too.

Oh well, enjoy the pictures.

Chicken Satay

Owner of the restaurant with Helen Patrick & Yzarra

Jennety ( brown dress) with friends from other travel agent

Group of BRL, Pacific World, Sabah Tea and others

Inno, Sabah Tea, Pacific World with the chef of the night

Me, Helen, Yzarra & Jennety

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