Friday, August 5, 2011


Mum: Girl, what you want for your birthday?
CRL: Mummy, I want a princes cake for my birthday and Surprised!
Mum: Only princess cake and say Surprised?
CRL: Yes, I want Princess cake and Surprised!.

Isn't she sooo cute. Last 3/8/2011, is Caitlyn 3rd year birthday. Happy Birthday Caitlyn Rose! She is growing very fast. I thought she was just born yesterday but, now she is 3 years old! She speak well and understand lot of words too. Meaning, this Ina getting old hehehe

God bless you Caitlyn Rose & your parents!

With her teddy bear gift

She is doing her princess dance

Her Princess Cake

With her cousins

She making a wish

With her beautiful mother

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