Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Huhu at 1100hrs on 30/11/2011, sent Jeff to T2 airport. He is flying home today. Really make us sad. While driving to the airport, I just could not control my tears. They coming like the hard rain, cried cried and cried. Jeff keeps saying " don;t cry, I be back next year" and then you have to come with me together.

But it is just hard to stop the tears. I really feel so sad. I just don;t want to be parted anymore. We have waited so long to be together. After reaching T2, Jeff have to do his own self service check in. Later drop off luggage at the counter. Boarding only at 14:15hrs, so we went upstair to have our lunch at KFC. There, I can see Jeff face, he is feeling sad. After lunch, Jeff called his mum, to inform that he is coming home. While talking to his mum, Jeff cried. He told his mum he misses her so much, same with his mum.

Boarding time getting nearer. We stopped at one of the  shop selling chocolates and bought 2 boxes of chocolate for Jeff's mum.  Jeff says, " time for me to go but don;t say goodbye, I be back soon". We hugs and kisss. More hugs and Jeff cried. I know  how he feel cos I feel sad too.  But I could not cry, maybe becos I have cried earlier in the car. More hugs again. Until no sight of Jeff, I left the airport, went to get my car, and goodness me! I started crying. OMG! even when driving, I cried and cried until I stopped at Tg Aru town. Parked the car and just keep crying!.

I called my son Lucien ( luckily he is around, not gone to Sarawak yet), so we meet up and have soto. But soto don't taste good. So went home straight, reached home, falls asleep at the couch. Maybe too tired crying and heart feeling so sad and painful. Woke up at 5.30pm, still feeling pain at heart and empty, so on my laptop and start sending messages to Jeff to his email. I know he is still in KL airport ( flight only at 2300hrs), but just making myself feel good. I know he will get my messages once he reach home.

I love you so much Jeff, and see you next year, early April 2012!

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